miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


Frequency Adverbs

Always: Siempre:     always go to bed before 11pm.

Almost always: Casi siempre:     I almost always play video games.

Generally: En general:     generally go to the gym.

Usually: Generalmente:          usually have cereal for breakfast.

Occasionally: De vez en cuando:     occasionally eat junk food.

Often: A menudo:     often surf the internet.

Sometimes: A veces:     sometimes forget my wife's birthday.

Seldom: Raramente:     seldom read the newspaper.

Ranely: Raramente:     I ranely run in the stadium.

Hardly ever: Casi nunca:     hardly ever drink alcohol.

Almost never: Casi nunca:     I almost never don't do the homework.

Never: Nunca:     never swim in the sea.

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